Friday, October 6, 2017

Bitcoin is a crypto number,

What is crypto?
From long time a go secret and information was the power. So Caesar transmitted information around Roman imperium with crypto messages . The  Caesar code is very simple he move 3 characters forward for example A + 3 = D, B+3=E, C+3=F and so on.A-->D.
so if I want to write ABC with Caesar code I write this.  DEF, I encrypt the word with Caesar code.
The word BITCOIN encrypted with Caesar Code will be ELWFRLQ .
Because now people is smarter then 2000 years a go they use different code to encrypt numbers or letters one of them is sha 256 and ripemid 160 use it in Bitcoin Network.
Let s remember from last post.

 private key * G = Public Key.but any multiplication is an add operation and every division is a repeted substraction we can write

G+G+G+G+ ..........(private key number tines)G=Public Key.
so the private key corespondending with number 2 is equal 2G. G+G
Public Key for number 3 is 3G. G+G+G and so on. Nothing else then addition of 2 geometric point in plane. But don`t forgot every math operation is making in modulo p.
For addition of  2 geometric points in plane we have a simple formula.
P1(X1,Y1) + P2 (X2,Y2). = P3(X3,Y3)

Let s get the slope between P1 and P2 and call it slope.
slope = Y1-Y2 / X1-X2  
So  X3 = slope to power 2 - (X1+X2)
      Y3= slope ( X1-X3) - Y1

ALL operation is making in modulo p
and so on we can add point to point. We have constant G the generator point and from the private key what number is 2 we can add n times G to get the Public Key suitable to Private key n..
Is also very intersted part, because bitcoin managers said the point have to respect eliptic curve equation Y to power 2 = X to power 3 + 7 modulo p  and is true all the point respect this condition. Even if we use it to control or not with the eliptic curve formula you can add G n times and get the Public Key.
The total numbers of private keys of bitcoin is  115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494336
and the total number of Bitcoin addresses is the above number multiplicated with 2.
 231584178474632390847141970017375815705675128558149808765210326283036322988672 Total Bitcoin Addresses.
Why is more Addresses then Private keys?
Because  each private key have 2 Bitcoin Address.
One is Called Compresed Bitcoin Address and another one is calling Uncompresed Bitcoin Address.
The Compressed Bitcoin Address is an encryption of  X coordonate of a Public Key, and  Uncompresed Address is an encryption of  both coordonate X and Y of geometric point Public Key Bitcoin which corresponds with a random private key from first huge above number.

Next post you will know more about encryption. Public Key to Address. Hope you understand.
Any Questions in Comments.

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